Mcculloch 10 10 Chainsaw

McCulloch D30: McCulloch 1-10: McCulloch 1-40: McCulloch 1-50: McCulloch 1-70: McCulloch 1-76: McCulloch 10-10: McCulloch 10-10 AUTO: McCulloch 10-10 AUTOMATIC: McCulloch 10-10 SUPER: McCulloch 10-10A: McCulloch 10-10S: McCulloch 10/10/10: McCulloch 1000: McCulloch 10E: McCulloch 110: McCulloch 115: McCulloch 120: McCulloch 12A/S: McCulloch 12E. Yeah it should spring back out.sounds like your going to have to take that apart too.good thing 10-10 oilers are plentiful. Check bay.should score one cheap. Check to make sure your diaphram isnt busted. Hope that helps.dont give up 10-10's are pure classics. One of the longest mfg chainsaws of all time.been mamin them since the 60's.


McCulloch 10-10

Mac 1010 from '60's and 70's

The Mac 10 series first came out in the mid 60's and were a major improvement.

'The new MAC-10 Series saws are up to 25% lighter than most so-called lightweights, yet have every feature you could ask for.' --1966 McCulloch advertisement


Well, maybe not quite every feature. By the mid-70s, the starter had been moved from the right side to the left so a chain brake could be added, and there was a more comfortable rubber-coated handle available. (These two saws are both 10-10's, but were built up from several different saws, explaining why the labels on the air cleaners are not correct.) These saws handled nicely, but vibrated so badly that your hands felt fuzzy by the end of the day, and what they lacked in power they more than made up in pure noise, even though McCulloch tried at least three different mufflers over the years.

But by this time the foreigners were here, the American manufacturers seemed to be concentrating on making toy chain saws for homeowners, OSHA had arrived and was nosing around, and it was a whole new ball game...

- - Updated 02/04/2013
- - Updated 2/08/01
Mcculloch 10 10 Chainsaw

Mcculloch 10-10 Chainsaw Parts List