Creating Short Fiction Damon Knight Pdf

'Not with a Bang'
AuthorDamon Knight
CountryUnited States
Genre(s)Science fiction
Published inThe Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction
Publication typePeriodical
PublisherMercury Press
Media typePrint (Magazine, Hardback & Paperback)
Publication dateWinter 1949

Creating Short Fiction Damon Knight Pdf Free

'Not with a Bang' is a science fiction short story by American writer Damon Knight. It first appeared in the winter 1949 issue of The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction and has been reprinted a number of times, including in Far Out (1961), The Best of Damon Knight (1976), 50 Short Science Fiction Tales, and The Eureka Years (1982).[1]



By Damon Knight The Kanamit were not very pretty, it‟s true. They looked something like pigs and something like people, and that is not an attractive combination. Seeing them for the first time shocked you; that was their handicap. When a thing with the countenance of a fiend comes from the stars and offers a gift, you are disinclined to accept. Damon Knight - Creating Short Fiction.pdf Damon Knight - Eripmav.epub Damon Knight - Extempore.epub Damon Knight - Far Out.epub Damon Knight - Four In One.epub Damon Knight - Idiot Stick.epub Damon Knight - In Deep.epub Damon Knight - In Search of Wonder - Essays on Modern Science Fiction.epub Damon Knight - Life Edit.epub. Acces PDF Creating Short Fiction By Damon Knight Creating Short Fiction By Damon Knight When somebody should go to the book stores, search launch by shop, shelf by shelf, it is essentially problematic. This is why we offer the ebook compilations in this website. It will no question ease you to see guide creating short fiction by damon knight as.

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  2. Damon Knight Distilled from decades of teaching and practice, this book offers clear and direct advice on structure, pacing, dialogue, getting ideas, working with the unconscious, and more. Newly revised and expanded for this Third Edition, Creating Short Fiction is a popular and widely trusted guide to writing short stories of originality.

The story is an ironic, Adam-and-Eve tale. Humanity has been wiped out by a nuclear war, except for one man and woman, who meet in a restaurant in Salt Lake City. The man suffers from a disease that causes recurrent episodes of total paralysis. While in the bathroom, he has an attack, and dies with the realization that the woman is too prudish to enter and save him.


Knight has written[2] that this was the first of his stories that he considered to be of professional quality. He said that the idea for the story

came to me during the time it took for a men's-room door to close behind me in a Swedish restaurant in New York. I didn't have the characters or the setting, but I had the whole structure; all I needed was to find parts that fit.


  1. ^Index to Science Fiction Anthologies and Collections
  2. ^Knight, Damon (1981). Creating Short Fiction. Cincinnati: Writer's Digest Books. ISBN0-89879-042-5.

External links[edit]

Creating Short Fiction Damon Knight Pdf Free

  • Not with a Bang title listing at the Internet Speculative Fiction Database

Creating Short Fiction Damon Knight Pdf Reader

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Creating Short Fiction Damon Knight Pdf Reader

Creating Short Fiction Damon Knight Pdf


Damon Knight, author of 'Creating Short Fiction,' is a renowned author and respected professor. He had taught at the University of Michigan's Clarion Workshop on Creative Writing for over thirty years. He has provided guidance to many young writing students on the necessary techniques of writing good fiction, especially the short-story genre. 'Creating Short Fiction' has a subtitle, 'The Classic Guide to Writing Short Fiction' indicating that the work is a teaching book. Damon Knight has the requisite qualifications to author such a book to budding writers around the world. His book has been used extensively in classrooms and workshops everywhere.

Knight not only can write about writing, he brings to the table a plethora of his own successful ventures in writing. He has written over 80 short stories, fourteen novels and three nonfiction books, including 'Creating Short Fiction.' What better person than a famous and successful writer to...